I am going to try to post every Monday a post about makeup or makeup I like, something along those lines. I figured Mondays aren't that great for most of us and this is something fun to read and look forward too. I don't really use much makeup or do anything crazy, I do love mascara & lip gloss though, those are my two musts before walking out my door. I had a post previously that showed all my favorite products that I have or I have used, hopefully most of you have seen it, if not look it up on my page! I put a few different products on there and I can honestly say I used all of them or use them now and love those products.
For today's Makeup Monday, I thought I would just put up some pictures of some makeup trends I have been noticing and some makeup tips for all of you. With every season comes new trends, this Spring season, the makeup trends have to do with lips and lashes. This sounds good to me, because like I said earlier mascara and lip glosses/ lip stains are my go to makeup products before I walk out my door.
Today, I was searching for new ways to make lashes look fuller, but not fake looking, and for lips to look luscious in the perfect color. "Mark. Beauty," recommended these products. A tangerine lip gloss, that they believe goes with anything & these falsie lashes that make your lashes look fluffy and not too crazy.
Here are some colors I liked for this Spring season & I hope to get my lashes to look this fabulous.
Happy Makeup Monday everyone, hope the start to your week is a good one!
XOXO FourBiddenFashion
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